The Cradle to Prison Pipeline: A Recovery Model

The “Cradle to The Prison Pipeline” is a concept used to convey that there are a growing number of young children who are becoming convicted criminals at younger and younger ages.

Help For Higher isn't just a program catering to the unjust treatment for African Americans and Hispanics, it brings awareness that failure to react to the Cradle to Prison Pipeline will result in the reverse of hard earned racial and social progress for all minorities.

"We believe youth who had men in their lives whom they could relate to and identify with, they would look at their education differently, and the probability of their success would increase exponentially".

Our organization aims to ensure that juvenile felons are given the proper tools to carry themselves in a professional setting. We focus on using collaborative methods to help establish and sustain their productivity Eg; We help juvenile felons utilize proper job search techniques in finding gainful employment and provide juvenile felons with the tools to become productive members of society.